Chinese Medicine Explained with Hannah-Beth - Nov 10
Chinese Medicine Explained with Hannah-Beth - Nov 10

Light Cellar

Chinese Medicine Explained with Hannah-Beth - Nov 10

Sale price$25 CAD
Nov 10:Online
Chinese Medicine Explained: Learn the Basics of TCM Diagnosis & Understand Your Body Constitution to Best Support Your Self 
with Hannah-Beth Kusler
Sunday, November 10th, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 
Join In-Person or Online

If you’ve ever seen an acupuncturist or Chinese medicine doctor, or been curious about Eastern medicine - this workshop is for you! 

Join Hannah-Beth as she breaks down the complexity that is Chinese medicine. 
You will dive into:
- the history of Chinese medicine
- the 4 key TCM principles
- 5 element theory and how we form diagnosis’s

You will leave understanding:
- how we view various body constitutions through a TCM lens
- your own pathologies and how to support your well-being as a whole

She will further expand on the various modalities Chinese medicine practitioners can use and their benefits such as Chinese herbs, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and so on. 

You might want to bring a notebook and pen so you can take notes!

Register now to secure your spot and get the most out of your future acupuncture treatments!

Hannah-Beth is a holistic nutritionist, herbalist & yoga teacher, as well as, a current student of Chinese medicine & acupuncture with a focus on cosmetic acupuncture.