Light Cellar
Gut Bug Immunity: How to Build for Resilience with Luka Symons
In-Person:Oct 29
Online:Oct 29
Gut Bug Immunity: How to Build for Resilience
with Luka Symons
Pre-Recorded Online Course
Looking to help build a strong and resilient immune system this fall?
Tired of feeling like you’re always playing Russian Roulette when it comes to those bugs that move through your house?
Want tips & tricks to ensure these disruptors are kept to a minimum?
What if I told you that building a resilient immune system requires looking after your gut bugs.
Yessssss, pal. Your Microbiome. This is the key!
Who this class is for:
• anyone whose immune system seems to be struggling
• you’re getting *all the bugs* *all the time*
• you have a chronic health issue
• you want to minimize how many times you’ll be down for the count this fall and winter
Let’s help you build your superpower with simple, consistent steps, simply laid out in order to help you achieve this.
This class was aired live in November 2023 and offers an insight into the gut and immune system along with many practical foods and herbs you can use to strenghten your immunity.
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