Light Cellar
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
Light Cellar
6531 Bowness Road Northwest
Calgary AB T3B 0E8
This mint family member is also known as Melissa; which means honeybee in Greek and named such because of the bees love of this beautifully aromatic herb. Often found as a tea in combination with valerian or use to flavour homemade sodas or water. Lemon balm has been cultivated for over 2000 years as a culinary/medicinal herb and has a light, lemony flavour.
Infusion: Add 1-3 Tbsp of lemon balm to hot water, let steep covered for 3-10 minutes. Can also be tinctured, or made into an ointment.
Contradicted with anti-anxiety medications. Large doses may inhibit thyroid production in some people.