Apothiki Sage
Apothiki Sage
Light Cellar
6531 Bowness Road Northwest
Calgary AB T3B 0E8
A naturally warming tea and culinary herb, sage has been called “the thinkers tea”, due to antioxidants carnosic and rosmarinic found in the sage plant and known to boost memory function. Greek sage is rich in vitamins and minerals and is used as an anti-inflammatory and digestive support.
Wild-harvested, handpicked on Mount Olympus. Strong earthy flavour, slightly peppery with hints of mint and lemon.
For tea, use 1 tablespoon of herb per cup of water. Pour near boiling water over herbs and steep, covered for up to 15 minutes, or to taste.
For culinary use, crumble dried herbs to flavour meat, soup, lentil or winter squash dishes.