Today I'm interviewing Emily - one of our beloved Light Cellar staff members who is chock full of nutrition and well-being wisdom - about castor oil and castor oil packs!
She is one of our go-to shop members for all things related to liver health, as she's been on her own liver supporting journey for some time. She truly walks the talk and it shows!
Emily has often shared her tips and lifestyle with us, and we knew that she was the woman to talk to about diving into using castor oil packs, as she is a consistent castor oil pack user.
What are the general benefits of using castor oil packs?
It stimulates lymphatic drainage, supports bile flow, increases circulation to the liver, and overall supports the liver in detoxifying.
How long have you been using castor oil packs consistently for?
I started using castor oil packs about eight months ago.
What have you personally noticed since using castor oil packs?
I've noticed my skin has gotten more clear, my digestion has improved, and my hormones are more balanced. It's also helped with my energy levels.
What do you love most about castor oil packs?
First of all, it's a very accessible way to detoxify - because there is nothing you need to actively do.
You can put on the pack and just sit back, relax and watch TV, and you'll be getting the benefits.
With the actual castor oil pack (versus using a cloth) - you can still move around and even do the dishes once you put the pack on.
But relaxing with the castor oil on is probably the most beneficial way to go about it!
How do you use castor oil packs?
You can use castor oil packs on different parts of your body depending on your needs, but I personally mostly use it on my liver at the moment.
I use the Queen of Thrones castor oil pack now. At first I was using cloths but it was incredibly messy, you can stain your bed and couch, and you can't get up and move around.
The Queen of Thrones castor oil pack makes it much easier and more enjoyable to do castor oil packs, because it's much less messy, and you can get up and move around if need be.
It's easier to keep them on for longer this way too.
I put the castor oil in the wrap - I use about 2 tbsp, and then tie the wrap on around my liver.
I have a dedicated 'castor oil wrap' sweater that I always put on over it.
I like to add heating over my castor oil pack - I use an electric heating pad. But a water bottle would also work.
Queen of Thrones says that heat is not required with their pack, and while it's not necessary, I think it's more effective when you use heat.
It's also very cozy and relaxing this way!
How frequently are you using castor oil packs?
About every other day I use a castor oil pack, for around 1-2 hours. Sometimes I wear them for longer - like last night I had one on for around 4 hours.
For the very best effect, you could use a castor oil pack every single day.
Are there any negative side effects to using castor oil packs regularly?
I think it's very rare, but castor oil packs are very detoxifying, so some people may have detox symptoms when using it.
For example, you may get a headache or may feel a bit nauseas.
But once you are used to using them and have done some detoxing, or have added in overall liver support, it can be very relaxing and not unpleasant at all.
When would you suggest the ideal time of the day to the castor oil pack would be?
You don't want to do a castor oil pack on a full stomach - so realistically in the evening, about 2 hours after dinner. I do mine in the evening.
Some people even sleep with castor oil packs, which is an option, but I find this is not comfortable.
If you were able to do it in the morning on an empty stomach that would also be great, but may not be practical for many.
Are there any other ways that you use castor oil?
I will use castor oil on the ends of my hair (just a little bit).
I also put castor oil in my belly button - and this is really great for supporting digestion!
What else do you to do support your liver?
I am regularly taking dandelion root tincture, milk thistle tincture and baobab powder. I also eat a balanced diet to support my liver and gut, eating enough good fats, as well as enough protein and carbohydrates.
Thank you Emily!
Thank you Emily for sharing your castor oil pack wisdom with us!
If you are in the shop this weekend or at anytime, and want more tips on castor oil packs - Emily would be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you might have!
Here are some quick tips on how to use a castor oil pack. There are more details and FAQs on how castor oil packs work here.
Step 1: Pour 1 tbsp of Organic Castor Oil onto the soft cotton side of your pack in the centre.

Step 2: Place your pack over your liver area (right side below rib cage), and tie it in place.
That’s it! Wear your Castor Oil Pack for a minimum of 1 hour, or overnight.